Student Protests Against Genocide in Gaza Continue

April 26, 2024 Hour: 11:54 am

Student protests at several American universities to demand an end to the Israeli genocide in Gaza are spreading to other nations and other American universities despite police crackdowns, mass arrests and disciplinary measures implemented by administrations.


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Protests began at Columbia University in New York City, where more than 100 arrests were made on April 18 after university president Minouche Shafik called NYPD officers to clean up the “Gaza solidarity camp” that the students had set up.

In that sense, the students of Columbia University in Manhattan received with boos the president of the House of Representatives of the USA. Mike Johnson during his visit to the institution.

On the other hand the University of Southern California closed its campus and asked Los Angeles police authorities to intervene and arrested about a hundred students on charges of trespassing on public property.

Similar protests were also witnessed at Brown University in Providence; Michigan University in Ann Arbor; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge; and California Polytechnic University in Humboldt.

In the face of police repression, the Office of the National Association for the Advancement of Persons of Color in Georgia expressed concern about the obvious use of excessive force against persons exercising their right to free expression. 

Press agencies and authorities reported on the dissolution by Boston authorities of a camp in support of Palestinians organized by Emerson College students and the arrest of more than 100 people, and at the University of Southern California, where 93 people were arrested on Wednesday.

Autor: teleSUR/ACJ

Fuente: Al MAyadeen//TRT World

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